8 Steps Business Leaders can Follow to Make their Business more Sustainable

Many CEOs increasingly understand the importance of business sustainability. Implementing sustainable habits positively influences brand image, but it also reduces the impact that operations have on the environment. There are some steps that all CEOs can follow to help make their businesses run in a more eco-friendly manner. This guide will tell you how.

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

Every business can reduce, reuse, and recycle their waste to limit the need to send it to landfills. When waste is dumped in landfills it emits harmful toxins that negatively contribute to the environment and, ultimately, climate change. You can learn more about the effects of landfills by referring to some online resources. To start an effective recycling scheme at your workplace, put a strict waste disposal system in place. Educate your staff regarding what materials they should recycle and how they can do this. Make a deal with a local recycling centre, which you will be able to find online, and arrange a weekly pickup of your recycled goods. It is vital to reuse materials as and when you can. Not only will this save products from going to landfills, but it will also save your business money. 

Investigate Shipping And Delivery

All CEOs should ask themselves an important question: are my business’ shipping materials and delivery methods sustainable? If the answer is no, you must look into ways to change this. For example, you may already use sustainable shipping materials like recycled cardboard and compostable bags. However, if you get your materials shipped via aeroplane overseas, you defeat the object. Instead, look at ways to make the whole process greener. If your materials are imported from overseas, choose an eco-friendly supplier. For this, you will have to do your research and get in touch with various suppliers to find out what steps they are taking to become greener. 

Go Paperless

Paper production has hugely damaging effects on the environment. In the UK alone, 12.5 million tonnes of paper is used annually. Not only do paper mills use a significant amount of energy to make paper, but paper waste also ends up accounting for a large portion of landfill space. It is time for businesses to do something about this. Going paperless doesn’t have to be a challenge. It will help reduce the impact on the environment while saving your company money on resources. Gathering your data in online forms, using electronic billing, and encouraging the use of note-taking apps are all positive steps in the right direction. 

Source Sustainable Packaging

Pay attention to the packaging your business uses. For years, companies have used more packaging than they need, and the sad part is that a lot of it is not recyclable. Rather than packaging items in a box three times its size, keep it compact to reduce the amount of packaging needed. It is also a good idea to encourage your customers to make bulk orders, so you can package items together rather than sending them out on separate trips. There are plenty of eco-friendly shipping materials available: biodegradable pouches, recycled cardboard, and compostable bags are increasingly used by companies worldwide. Try to avoid items that are difficult to recycle. 

Further Education On Sustainability

To increase knowledge of environmental matters and what businesses can do to tackle them head-on, it can be good to take an online course in business sustainability. The great thing about an online course is that it is ideal for those who need to fit their education around a busy work schedule. Business sustainability courses give individuals the knowledge they need to be successful, sustainable leaders moving forward. You can find a business sustainability management course online that takes around eight weeks to complete. The topics covered by these courses will allow business professionals to mitigate the effects of climate change to pave the way for their business’ future. 

Implement a Bike to Work Scheme

If CEOs want their business to become more sustainable in the future, they need to get their employees on board with their sustainability objectives. This is a team effort and one that requires input from every individual who works for your organisation. One thing that business leaders are struggling with is work commute. Too many employees are using their cars, which has a negative impact on the climate. The solution? Encourage commute options that are more friendly to the planet, like walking or biking. You could even implement a bike-to-work scheme. Employees can sacrifice a small portion of their salaries in return for a bike and cycling accessories from their workplace. It is essentially a cost-effective way to purchase a bike. There is plenty of cycle to work scheme guidance that employers can seek inspiration from online. 

Consider Remote Working

In recent years, many companies have conformed to the idea of remote working. the Covid crisis accelerated the gradual change that was happening in workplaces. As things have returned to the new normal some companies have been too quick to revert to old-style presenteeism. An effective remote working policy offers a lot of environmental benefits. Firstly, it minimises the need to commute to work, which is ideal for those who live far away from your workplace and have no choice but to use their cars. There is growing evidence that remote working offers not just environmental but also wellbeing and productivity gains. It takes a lot of planning and organisation initially to make it work, and usually some tweaking to get it right for both management and employees, but make sure that you approach remote working objectively, measure impacts and give it a fair chance. 

Practice Energy-Efficient Habits

Companies must try and lower their energy consumption if they want to achieve business sustainability moving forward. Energy sources contribute to water and air pollution and also damage public health. There are plenty of energy-efficient habits that CEOs and their employees can put into practice. The internet offers a lot of valuable insights. Simple changes like switching off devices in unused rooms and ensuring the workplace is properly insulated can make a significant difference. All employees must be educated on what they can do to help. A training programme based on energy efficiency is an excellent place to start. 


By following these tips above, all companies will be well on their way to achieving business sustainability in 2022. Making the necessary changes starts with the right knowledge and education. This is where a business sustainability management online course can help. Sustainable changes are not just down to the CEOs, it is very much a team effort. The best way to achieve this is by setting up a training course for employees centred around sustainability. Once you start putting these steps into practice, your company can start to enjoy a greener future, paving the way for future generations.