How to Become an Independent JavaScript Developer

JavaScript is considered as one of the web’s three basic building blocks, along with HTML and CSS. If HTML makes up the structure and CSS the design, you can say that JavaScript makes up the functionality of internet web pages.

JavaScript’s popularity is only growing as it’s very easy to learn, it’s also very flexible and not as strict against errors, as other programming languages. If you’re a programmer with extensive experience, you can customize the language so that no mistakes are made.

Working independently as a JavaScript developer is becoming more and more common across the world as many people dream of breaking free and working from home or a remote location. This is largely because modern communication and new payment solutions have opened up opportunities for serious work from home. Have you thought about what it would be like to join the trend and work independently as a JavaScript developer freelancer? Then this article is for you.

Learn the Language

If you want to become an independent JavaScript developer, you must first gain and expand your knowledge of the technology by investing the right amount of time and energy into efficiently learning JavaScript.Those who are new to programming and JavaScript have a lot to learn before they can start programming properly. The best way is to obtain a four-year college program but if you don’t want to go the traditional route, there are other ways of acquiring the right JavaScript education.

One of the most practical ways of learning this programming language is by considering flexible and self-guided online courses as they will teach you the fundamentals of JavaScript and you can learn them from the comfort of your own home.

If self-education isn’t a viable option for you and you feel like you could need some extra help and supervision, coding bootcamps may then be the perfect option for you. These coding bootcamps are perfect for those who work full-time and help aspiring developers obtain marketable skills quickly.

Find Your Niche

There is no point in working independently as a JavaScript developer if you don’t gather the courage to start! Once you feel ready to program and want to start making your cash, there are certain questions you must ask yourself. What makes you unique? Why should the customer choose you?  Do you have a special skill? It’s questions like these that will help you find your niche.

The point is that you should find what makes you stand out from your competitors. A good idea is to choose an industry or two that you want to grow in. Once you start working within a similar realm, you will soon see the benefits of word-of-mouth advertising.

Take the plunge and start building your website, post your portfolio, and your business plan and let your niche stand out.

Build a Portfolio

It’s essential to track your work and create your website. The website should reflect you, your skills and what you can do. This is the main thing that will attract your potential customers. If you still don’t have professional projects to showcase, you can also create speculative work or show school projects that you are particularly proud of.

You can even offer free services to people so that you can build your portfolio and get good reviews. Also, remember to include a contact form so people will know how to reach you should they want to hire you.

Promote Yourself

As someone working independently, you must know how to communicate. It is by networking and talking to others, both online and offline that you land your jobs.

Prepare by knowing your business and niche well, and you can perhaps even hand out business cards. Make sure you are present on all platforms relevant to your industry like LinkedIn, UpWork or Twitter, so that prospective clients can easily contact you.

Take Calculated Risks

Being an independent JavaScript developer means you will have to stand your ground and be confident. Dare to take on projects, but be honest about where your limits lie. It’s not good for your business if you’re constantly in over your head, it doesn’t reflect well on you. But if you feel that a project is challenging in a positive way – go ahead and take it.

Final Words

Becoming a JavaScript developer can be an exciting and lucrative prospect. However, given the fact that JavaScript developers are in demand, you should seriously consider working independently, setting your rates, pitching your business and thriving. While there will be challenges to face, above we’ve shared some tips on how you can become successful