8 Things You Can Adjust For More Comfortable Working-From-Home

Working from home became the norm for many more people during the pandemic. But whether you’ve been home-working for a while, or you’re new to it, it is never too late to think about how you can improve your home-working environment. Small adjustments to your setup or mindset can make a huge difference. Here are seven things you can adjust to make your work-from-home experience more comfortable.

1. Invest in high-speed internet

The new generation of home-based workers mostly work online. If your internet is slow then, honestly, you will be tensed up all day, tapping your fingers and grinding your teeth. If your internet does not seem to be fast enough try an internet speed test and compare it to your internet provider’s advertised speed. Send a screenshot over if it’s well below what you have been led to expect. And if they don’t shape up then shop around.

2. Use in Ergonomic Furniture

If you’re going to be spending hours sitting at a desk, it’s essential to have furniture that is designed for comfort. An ergonomic chair will support your back and help you maintain good posture, while an adjustable desk will allow you to find the perfect height for sitting and standing.

This helps prevent neck and back pain, as well as fatigue. Sometimes, this acts as a motivation to sit for extended periods and get work done. It often results in better work output—online places to start your search for affordable ergonomic furniture.

3. Have a Suitable Workspace

If you can, set up a dedicated workspace in your home, separate from where you eat, sleep, and relax. This will help you get into ‘work mode’ when you’re in your office and make it easier to transition back to leisure time when you leave your desk.

If you don’t have an extra room that you can turn into an office, try to create a space that feels separate from the rest of your home. This could mean setting up desk divider screens in the corner of your living room or bedroom or using a screen or divider to divide off a section of your apartment.

4. Deal With the Blue-Light

Blue light is a type of light emitted by screens that can harm your sleep. To avoid this, try to limit your screen time in the evening and invest in a pair of blue-light-blocking glasses. However, you need to get quality products, as fake ones won’t do much to help. As you look for a glasses store, check the reviews to see how effective their items are. However, take time to choose the right size and style. Remember you want something which also looks good on you.

You can also download a blue-light filter for your computer or phone. This will help reduce the amount of blue light emitted by your screen and make it easier for you to wind down in the evening. Also, use the Night Shift feature on your iPhone or iPad.

5. Allow More Natural Light In

Natural light can help boost your mood and focus, so try to position your desk near a window. If you don’t have access to natural light, invest in a quality LED lamp that simulates daylight.

You might also want to consider using blinds or curtains to control the amount of light in your workspace. Too much light can be just as distracting as too little light, so it’s crucial to find a balance that works for you.

6. Get Up and Move Throughout the Day

When you’re used to working in an office, getting up and moving around throughout the day is easy. But when working from home, it’s easy to stay glued to your chair for hours.

To combat this, set a timer on your phone or computer to remind you to take a break every hour or so. Use this time to stretch, walk around your apartment, or get a snack. Taking mini-breaks throughout the day will help improve your focus and energy levels.

When you finish your tasks, you could do some jogging in place, some arm raises, or light weight-lifting to keep your body active.

7. Choose the Right Clothing

You might be tempted to work in your pajamas all day long, but the way you dress affects your mindset and confidence. While you want to feel smart there’s no point in wearing restrictive office-style clothes or heels! Comfortable clothing can help improve your productivity. Choose loose and breathable clothes, so you won’t get too hot or cold while working.

It helps to avoid clothes that are too distracting or uncomfortable. If you find yourself constantly adjusting your clothing, it’s a sign that you need to change into something else. Thus, it’s always good to be self-disciplined and have a set of clothes meant only for work. This helps your mind switch into ‘work mode’ more easily.

8. Set a Schedule and Stick to It

Working from home makes it easy to let work bleed into the rest of your life. To avoid this, set a schedule and try to stick to it as much as possible. Start by setting office hours and taking regular breaks throughout the day. Then, try to stick to a set work routine as much as possible. This could mean working on the same tasks at the same time each day or taking a break after you finish a certain amount of work. 

Working from home can be a great experience, but it’s essential to ensure you’re comfortable. By following these tips, you can create a workspace perfect for you. Besides, you’ll be able to stay productive and comfortable all day long.