How To Tackle Migraines At Work

Frequent bouts of migraine are most common among adults in the UK. It has now become one of the accepted underlying health issues faced by both men and women. It is a known fact that a sudden bout of migraine when you are at the workplace could create serious problems. Besides affecting productivity and work commitments, depending on the severity of the migraine bouts, it could also affect your overall health and mental stability. Sometimes, you may not be able to find a quick way out from work at hand to help relieve the migraine pain. Many prefer medication as a frontline regime to help reduce the severe pain effects of migraine while at the office. 

In most cases, doctors and specialists will ask the patients to start by identifying the triggers that could bring on the migraine bout. Having identified the most likely and easily identifiable triggers, the next step would be to see how best to avoid or mitigate those symptoms you could quickly encounter while at work. This will help implement a very approachable and practically effective action plan to reduce the pain caused by migraine.

How Do Migraines Affect Daily Work Life?

Migraines can seriously impact your working life if you do not address the underlying triggers and causes to identify the best treatment course. Fortunately, almost all working environments in the UK have accepted that migraines are part and parcel of everyday life. Due to this acceptance, many workplaces ensure that people suffering from migraine are fully supported at work. Many organisations have gone a step forward and included migraines and pain-relieving assistance mitigation plans in the company health policies. Such support at the office or workplace becomes extremely helpful in enabling migraine affected people to work effectively.

It is a known fact that many preventative measures for pain relief have not been very effective consistently. This clearly means that different underlying triggers affect the onset of your migraine. This requires you to be alert to the trigger of every migraine bout to find the most effective treatment plan. Also, if you have regular episodes of migraines, it may undoubtedly affect you during working hours.

Reducing Migraine Effect At Work

Migraines can be very unpredictable and fluctuating in nature. Every episode or bout of migraine could be due to a different reason or several underlying causes. The impact on you, especially when working, may vary depending on the severity of the headache. It is typically advisable to inform your office or employer of your health condition and if there are any changes in your state or treatment. This way, all the other employees and those working around you will be able to provide you with the relevant and appropriate support you need. Some employers prefer a certificate or note from the doctor to understand the brevity of your condition. The revolution in online pharmacies mean that it is now possible to buy sumatriptan online, one of the most effective migraine medications, and ensure you have it on-hand to help combat the debilitating effects of migraine. 

Listed below are some straightforward yet quite effective means to try and reduce the impact of pain during a bout of migraine, especially when you are at work.

  • Prepare a special first-aid migraine medication kit and keep it with you.
  • Try to identify the stress points and reduce the occurrence as best possible.
  • Clinically, stress has been identified as one of the significant underlying trigger causes for migraine.
  • Discuss with your office HR or Admin or Manager and re-assess your working environment and ambient surroundings.
  • Re-arrange your desk, chair, and working area to make it as conducive and comfortable as possible.
  • Make sure that your back and neck are ergonomically well supported.
  • Check the eyesight contact level and adjust the height of your computer monitor, if required. An excess strain of the neck and eyes is also one of the primary triggers for migraines in the workplace.
  • Adjust the ambient working environment around you. Important factors to check would be lighting, odours, general noise or other factors which could probably trigger migraine.
  • Buy or request filters on the computer screen to reduce glare and blue light effect.
  • Identify or create a cosy and dim-lit corner in the office to relax in the event of a migraine attack. 
  • Try to find a room or area where you could possibly lie down or take a quick nap till the migraine pain subsides.

It will help to look at migraines subjectively and take a few small steps to help you cope with your migraines and find the most suitable method to mitigate the painful effects. Consult with your doctor or specialist and prepare a well-informed and adequately planned approach to identify your migraine symptoms, triggers, and pacifier medications best suited for you.