Student Accommodation Hacks: What Every New University Student Should Know

Starting university life is an exhilarating time filled with new experiences, friendships, and challenges. One crucial aspect that greatly influences your overall university experience is your student accommodation. Whether you’re trying to find studio student accommodation, or opting for living in halls, shared houses, or private apartments, your living space will be the backdrop to your academic journey.

This post aims to provide practical hacks to help you make the most out of your student accommodation, ensuring a comfortable, productive, and enjoyable living environment.

7 Student Accommodation Hacks

1. Maximizing Your Space

As a student, you’ll likely be working with limited space in your accommodation. To make the most of it, consider implementing creative storage solutions. Utilise vertical space by installing shelves or hanging organizers to keep your belongings neat and accessible. Make use of under-bed storage containers to store items you don’t need on a daily basis. Invest in multi-functional furniture, such as ottomans with hidden storage or foldable desks, to maximize functionality in a compact area.

Additionally, decluttering regularly is key to maintaining a spacious and organized living environment. Set aside time each week to tidy up, donate or dispose of items you no longer need, and keep your space clutter-free. A tidy room not only enhances your mental clarity but also creates a more conducive atmosphere for studying and relaxation.

2. Budgeting Like a Pro

Managing your finances is a crucial skill to master as a university student, and accommodation costs often make up a significant portion of your expenses. Start by understanding the breakdown of your accommodation costs, including rent, utilities, and any hidden fees. Research and compare different accommodation options to find one that fits your budget and preferences.

To save on essentials, be smart about your grocery shopping. Plan your meals in advance, buy in bulk when possible, and opt for generic brands over premium ones. Consider sharing subscriptions, such as streaming services or grocery delivery, with your roommates to split the costs. Don’t shy away from second-hand finds, as you can often discover great deals on furniture, textbooks, and household items through online marketplaces or university-organized sales.

3. Navigating Shared Living

Shared living is a common aspect of student accommodation, whether you’re in university halls or private housing. To ensure a harmonious living environment, it’s essential to establish clear ground rules with your roommates from the start. Discuss and agree upon guidelines regarding guests, cleaning responsibilities, quiet hours, and the use of shared spaces. Having open communication and setting expectations early on can prevent misunderstandings and conflicts down the line.

Despite your best efforts, disagreements may still arise. When faced with conflicts, approach the situation calmly and respectfully. Listen to your roommates’ perspectives and express your own concerns clearly. Work together to find compromises and solutions that everyone can agree on. If necessary, seek the guidance of a resident assistant or university staff member to mediate and resolve the issue.

Selecting the ideal place to study involves more than just assessing the study space itself; it’s also crucial to consider the location’s overall suitability and how it aligns with your study habits and lifestyle.

For example, Glasgow is known for being a place that is cheap and lively for student life. Liverpool on the other hand is known for its great nightlife and the Liverpool University accommodation options are plentiful. Oxford, however, is one of the most expensive places to study and London is a close second, which is a factor to consider if the student budget is low.

4. Personalizing Your Space

Making your student accommodation feel like home is essential for your comfort and well-being. Personalizing your space doesn’t have to be expensive. Explore DIY decor ideas that are both affordable and reversible, such as removable wall decals, washi tape wall art, or hanging tapestries. Adding throw pillows, cozy blankets, and personal photos can instantly make your room feel more inviting.

When personalizing your space, strike a balance between expressing your personality and maintaining practicality. Ensure that your decor choices don’t hinder the functionality of your room or create clutter. Opt for space-saving solutions, such as wall-mounted shelves or over-the-door organizers, to keep your belongings organized while adding a personal touch.

5. Health and Well-being in Your New Home

Prioritizing your health and well-being is crucial for a successful university experience. Staying active can be challenging in a small living space, but there are many ways to incorporate exercise into your routine. Take advantage of local parks or green spaces near your accommodation for outdoor workouts or jogs. Many universities offer gym facilities with student discounts, so make sure to explore those options. If space allows, consider investing in compact exercise equipment, such as resistance bands or a yoga mat, for in-room workouts.

Mental health is equally important, and student accommodation can play a role in supporting your well-being. Familiarize yourself with the mental health resources available through your university, such as counseling services or support groups. Create a comforting and calming living space by incorporating elements like plants, soothing lighting, and a designated relaxation area. Regularly engage in stress-relief activities, such as meditation or journaling, to maintain a balanced mindset.

6. Academic Success from Your Room

Your student accommodation is not only a place to relax and socialize but also a space where you’ll spend countless hours studying. To set yourself up for academic success, create a dedicated and productive study area within your room. Choose a quiet corner and invest in a comfortable desk and chair that promote good posture. Ensure adequate lighting to reduce eye strain and minimize distractions by keeping your study area clutter-free.

Balancing study time and social life is a common challenge for university students. Establish a routine that allocates specific hours for focused study sessions, and communicate your schedule to your roommates to minimize interruptions. Make use of productivity techniques like the Pomodoro method to maintain concentration and avoid burnout. When it’s time to unwind, engage in activities that help you relax and recharge, such as reading, listening to music, or spending time with friends.

7. Getting Involved and Building a Community

Student accommodation provides an excellent opportunity to get involved and build a sense of community. Take advantage of the social events and interest groups organized within your residence. Attend welcome mixers, movie nights, or hobby-based gatherings to meet like-minded individuals and forge new friendships.

Take the initiative to create connections with your neighbors. Introduce yourself to those living on your floor or in your building, and consider organizing small get-togethers or study groups. Participate in community projects or volunteer initiatives spearheaded by your accommodation to contribute to a positive living environment.


Making the most out of your student accommodation is key to having a fulfilling and memorable university experience. By implementing these practical hacks, you can create a living space that is comfortable, productive, and conducive to personal growth. Remember to maximize your space, budget wisely, navigate shared living with respect, personalize your room, prioritize your health and well-being, foster academic success, and actively participate in your accommodation community. Embrace this exciting chapter of your life and make your student accommodation a true home away from home.